The Arctic region has undergone profound transformations in recent decades due to a rapid decline in sea ice extent. These shifts impact the interplay between sea ice, the atmosphere, and the ocean, involving complex thermodynamic and dynamic processes. Understanding these interactions is crucial for addressing the repercussions of Arctic climate change. However, existing models used for climate projections struggle to capture fine-scale processes at the ocean-sea ice boundary, necessitating parametrizations. Unfortunately, these parametrizations are grounded in empirical rather than theoretical foundations, limiting their applicability across diverse ocean conditions.

Recent studies highlight the increased role of wind-driven mixing at the ocean-sea ice interface and the lack of studies that include the joint effect of double diffusion convection, two fundamental processes occurring in sea ice-covered regions. The OSII project seeks to bridge this critical gap by employing highly efficient direct numerical simulations (DNS). This innovative approach promises a more precise comprehension of ice melting rates and boundary-layer dynamics resulting from the complex interplay of internal waves/tides and double diffusion convection.

The OSII project is committed to:

Governing Equations at the Ice-Ocean Interface


To model the ice-ocean boundary layer, we utilize the Navier-Stokes equations under the Boussinesq approximation. In the bulk, the governing equations can be written as follows:

First excited mode at the Ice-Ocean Boundary: Impact of Initial Conditions and Lewis Numbers


In our previous 3D simulations with constant initial values for temperature and salinity, we observed that the first excited mode led to an unstable density profile, with heavier layers overlying lighter ones, for all Lewis numbers greater than 1. Here, we explore this instability by modifying the initial conditions for temperature and salinity, ranging from a uniform profile in the vertical direction to a stratified one. Additionally, we examine the effects of varying Lewis numbers.