Posts by Collection
Stretching and buckling of small elastic fibers in turbulence
Published in Physical review letters, 2018
Recommended citation: Allende, S., Henry, C., & Bec J (2018). "Stretching and buckling of small elastic fibers in turbulence." Physical Review Letters. 1(1).
Dynamics and fragmentation of small inextensible fibres in turbulence
Published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2020
Recommended citation: Allende, S., Henry, C., & Bec, J. (2020). "Dynamics and fragmentation of small inextensible fibres in turbulence." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. 1(2).
Modulation of the seasonal cycle of the Antarctic sea ice extent by sea ice processes and feedbacks with the ocean and the atmosphere
Published in The Cryosphere, 2023
Recommended citation: Goosse, H., Allende, S., Bitz, C. M., Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E., Eayrs, C., Fichefet, T., ... & van Lipzig, N. P. (2023). "c Modulation of the seasonal cycle of the Antarctic sea ice extent by sea ice processes and feedbacks with the ocean and the atmosphere" The Cryosphere,17(1), 407-425.
Velocity and acceleration statistics of heavy spheroidal particles in turbulence
Published in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2023
Recommended citation: Allende, S., & Bec, J. (2023). "Velocity and acceleration statistics of heavy spheroidal particles in turbulence." OJournal of Fluid Mechanics, 967, R4.
On the ability of OMIP models to simulate the ocean mixed layer depth and its seasonal cycle in the Arctic Ocean
Published in Ocean Modelling, 2023
Recommended citation: Allende, S., Fichefet, T., Goosse, H., & Treguier, A. M. (2023). "On the ability of OMIP models to simulate the ocean mixed layer depth and its seasonal cycle in the Arctic Ocean." Ocean Modelling, 184, 102226.
Impact of ocean vertical mixing parameterization on Arctic sea ice and upper ocean properties using the NEMO-SI3 model
Published in Geoscientific Model Development, 2024
Recommended citation: Allende, S., Treguier, A. M., Lique, C., de Boyer Montégut, C., Massonnet, F., Fichefet, T., & Barthélemy, A. (2024). " Impact of ocean vertical mixing parameterization on Arctic sea ice and upper ocean properties using the NEMO-SI3 model. " Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 2024, 1-28.
Governing Equations at the Ice-Ocean Interface
To model the ice-ocean boundary layer, we utilize the Navier-Stokes equations under the Boussinesq approximation. In the bulk, the governing equations can be written as follows:
Oceananigans.jl Example: 1D Temperature and Salinity Diffusion
This Oceananigans.jl example simulates the diffusion of a one-dimensional Gaussian temperature and salinity tracers.
Oceananigans.jl Example: 1D Temperature and Salinity Diffusion at the ice-ocean interface
This Oceananigans.jl example simulates the diffusion of one-dimensional Gaussian temperature and salinity tracers in an ice-ocean environment.
Oceananigans.jl Example: 2D Navier-Stokes Boussinesq Approximation at the Ice-Ocean Interface
This Oceananigans.jl example simulates the melting of sea ice in a two-dimensional setup.
Non-Dimensional Governing Equations at the Ice-Ocean Interface
We utilize the Navier-Stokes equations under the Boussinesq approximation. The governing equations can be written as follows:
Finding the Optimal Resolution for Ice-Ocean 2D Simulations
Here we present results from our 2D simulations, where we varied the model resolution to determine the optimal configuration. We analyze the evolution of key physical properties and compute the melt rate.
Finding the Optimal Resolution for Ice-Ocean 3D Simulations
We evaluate our melt ice-ocean problem in a three dimmensional configuration. We vary the vertical and horizontal resolution, as well as the Lewis number.
First excited mode at the Ice-Ocean Boundary: Impact of Initial Conditions and Lewis Numbers
In our previous 3D simulations with constant initial values for temperature and salinity, we observed that the first excited mode led to an unstable density profile, with heavier layers overlying lighter ones, for all Lewis numbers greater than 1. Here, we explore this instability by modifying the initial conditions for temperature and salinity, ranging from a uniform profile in the vertical direction to a stratified one. Additionally, we examine the effects of varying Lewis numbers.
Teaching experience 1
Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014
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Teaching experience 2
Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015
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